Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Crafters Crafty Room

When we lived in Kamloops we had two bedrooms ... so we converted the big room into a studio/craft room. Unfortunately I was too stressed with my job and other things to utilize the area to it's fullest extent. So when we moved to Vernon, I was fortunate enough to have time to craft... but in a smaller space there wasn't much room. For a while I was crafting out of a rubber-maid bin in the living room. But now, I have a lovely space in the bedroom against one wall ... it's a very lovely, small, wall that I've been able to convert with three pieces of furniture, into a half decent place to make my hair accessories.

This is the wall in its entirety! The photos on the wall were taken by my hunnie, the pro photographer: adrianstonge.com The sewing machine is my favourite item I've ever owned. My Nana bought it for me a few years ago for Christmas, which was probably the start of my need to create things... so, thanks Nana!

This plastic set of drawers is full of all my odds and ends and mostly scrapbooking stuffs. The drawers don't close properly and it's kind of wobbly, but it does the job decently enough!

I stole this shelf from my hunnie, which was holding his photo stuff in the storage room. It works perfectly for what I need it for. I hammered in nails on the one side to hold my thread spools, and used some jewelry wire to string my ribbon.

And finally, here's Halloween!

Thanks for reading!


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